[Date]Dec1,2019 (Every 1st. Sunday)
[Place] 強巴林(チャンバリン)-Chanbarin
[Address] 愛知県名古屋市守山区青葉台101 -101 Aobadai Moriyamaku Nagoya Aichi Japan
[Open] 10:00~15:00
[Fee] Entrance fee is FREE
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Just started!
The community event that values connections with the local area.
we hold the marche with authentic stores.
On the first Sunday of every month in Moriyama ward, Nagoya,
People who have lived here for a long time, are new residents or don’t even live in Moriyama; let’s talk together,
we want to make this a place where you can feel understood.
With those thoughts, we decided to start this marche.
We hope this will become a new place where everyone feels they belong.